Título: Challenges in the Recreation of Light Fields: Where are the Good 3-D Displays?

Dr. Amir Said (HP Labs)

Attempts to artificially recreate three-dimensional views are nearly as old as photography. There have been waves of excitement when new 3-D display technologies were introduced, with significant investment and research efforts, only to be followed by disappointment with their inability to generate consistent interest and acceptance of their quality. In this talk we explain why the problem is challenging but not impossible, and how new technologies can help. For instance, now we can have much better sampling of light fields with many digital cameras and new special very-high definition sensors. Similarly, we see great improvements in the resolution of display systems, and our ability to combine them. Also important, we are beginning to have the computational power to perform very complex multidimensional signal processing, making it feasible to design displays even with non-imaging optical elements. We discuss the theoretical research analyzing the recreation of light fields needed to fully exploit these technological advances, the need to combine it with visualization, and present simulations videos that show the visual artifacts of different types of displays.


Amir Said recebeu os graus de engenheiro e mestre em engenharia elétrica da Universidade de Campinas, Brasil, e o grau de Ph.D. em Computer Systems Engineering do Rensselaer Polytechinic Institute, em Troy, NY. Ele trabalhou na IBM, foi Professor Assistente na Unicamp e trabalho na Iterated Microsystems. Ele trabalha para os HP Labs, Palo Alto, California, desde 1998.  Lá ele é um "Dept. Scientist" no "Media Technologies Lab. Ele trabalhou no desenvolvimento de vários métodos de compressão que são usados em produtos HP.  Entre 2000 e 2003 ele chefiou o "Compression and Multimedia Technology Project" na HP.

O Dr. Said recebeu um Prêmio de Melhor Artigo da IEEE Signal Processing Society pelo seu trabalho em processamento de sinais multidimensionais, de título "An image multiresolution representation for lossless and lossy compression", o qual recebeu mais de 113 citações em periódicos, e um outro Prêmio de Melhor Artigo da IEEE Circuits and Systems Society por seu trabalho em compressão de imagens, de título "A new fast and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees", o qual recebeu mais de 568 citações em periódicos. Ele também recebeu o Prêmio de Artigo mais Inovador na 2006 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.

Dr. Said foi também Editor Associado da IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, da SPIE - IS&T Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), e Coordenador da 2005 SPIE IS&T Conference on Image and Video Communications and Processing (IVCP).

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