
O 30º Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações anuncia os seguintes mini-cursos que farão parte do seu programa técnico.

WiFi Evolution
Rafael Paiva (INdT), Edgar Souza (UnB), Robson Vieira (INdT), André Cavalcante (INdT).

Controle e Monitoramento de Experimentos para a Internet do Futuro Usando OMF
Bruno Silvestre, Kleber Cardoso, Sand Correa (UFG).

Evitando armadilhas criptográficas em protocolos de comunicação segura
Alexandre Braga (CPqD), Erick Nascimento (Unicamp), Lucas Palma (CPqD).

Redes de Rádios Cognitivos: Arquiteturas, Sensoriamento Espectral e Questões Regulatórias
Rafael Kunst, Cristiano Both, Maicon Kist, José Santanna, Leonardo Faganello, Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, Juergen Rochol (UFRGS).

Smart Grid e IEC 61850: Novos Desafios em Redes e Telecomunicações para o Sistema Elétrico
Yona Lopes (UFF), Ricardo Franco (UFF), David Molano (UFF), Margareth Santos (UFF), Flávio Calhau (UNIFACS), Carlos Bastos (UFF), Joberto Martins (UNIFACS), Natalia Fernandes (UFF)

Optical Networks: the backbone of Internet and the world telecommunications infrastructure its evolution and present state
Felipe Barbosa (Unicamp)

Abstract: Early optical systems ran on single wavelengths and relatively short distances (tens of km). In little more than 20 years, evolved with WDM, optical amplification and dispersion compensation to allow for transmission of hundreds of Gb/s over thousands of km of fibers. Today we have terabit (Tb/s) capacity demonstrations and millions of km of installed optical fiber cables and networks carrying these enormous amount of traffic. At the optical nodes Photonic switching and routing up to 80 optical channels is commercially available. At the edge nodes Optical packet and burst Switching has emerged as a future-proof solution bringing the conventional switching and routing functions from the electronic domain to the optical domain, with switching speeds 100 times faster. We will be showing how the maturity of fiber optic systems and components technology, including WDM and MEMs technologies has turned into reality a new era in Optical Communications.

Dr. Felipe Rudge Barbosa holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Campinas (Unicamp), in Brazil. He has been active in Photonic Technology and Optical Communications (components, systems and networks) for for over 25 years. He is a technical consultant, lecturer and senior research associate with the Photonics Technology Laboratory (LTF), at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) – Unicamp; and also with the Instituto Namitec, in the Center for Information Technology (CTI/MCT), a federal laboratory in the Ministry of Science and Technology; in the city of Campinas, Brasil. Previously he had been active for over 20 years with the Fundaçao CPqD (former Telebras R&D center); in the same technical area, and also with project management activities. He was a post-doc fellow at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA (1992); and visiting professor in the University of Montpellier, France (2004). He has over 60 peer-reviewed publications in international conferences, symposia and technical journals. He is member of the Brazilian Physical Society (SBF), Brazilian Telecomm Society; senior member and member of advisory council of Brazilian Society for Microwave and Optoelectronics (SBMO); the IEEE ComSoc, the Optical Society of America, and invited expert to the ITU-T (Geneva); holds two technical prizes in Telecom.


  • Datas Importantes

  • 17 de Abril de 2012 (encerrada) Submissão de artigos completos
  • 17 de Abril de 2012 (encerrada) Propostas de mini-curso
  • 15 de Junho de 2012 (realizada) Notificação de aceitação
  • 02 de Julho de 2012 Início das inscrições. Saiba mais.
    Clique aqui para fazer a sua inscrição.
  • 16 de Julho de 2012 (encerrada) Versão final dos trabalhos aceitos
  • 18 de Julho de 2012 (encerrada) Data limite para inscrições de autores